
Showing posts from December, 2023

Early Modern Era

     The Early Modern Era of art was filled with many struggles. These struggles would affect the art world significantly, from the creation of many new art styles to the reworking of many old ones. Many famous artists became known for their work at this time. There are three of these artists that stand out significantly, and here they are.      Pablo Picasso is well known for his cuboid self-portraits, but he also made many other works of art that use the cuboid style to give off a free and creative feeling. One of these paintings is Pablo Picasso's The Three Musicians. Pablo Picasso,   The Three Musicians , 1921. Painted at Fontainebleau, France.      The Three Musicians  is one of the best examples of an abstract painting. You can make out three characters, each holding something used to make music. The person on the left seems to be playing a clarinet or some other woodwind instrument. The person in the middle is seen holding what can be interpreted as a classical guitar. The p