
Showing posts from September, 2023

The Renaissance

   The Renaissance was one of the most important times in history. It contained scientific breakthroughs including the Scientific Method and the discovery that the Earth is not the center of everything. The Renaissance also introduced many fascinating paintings from a variety of famous artists. Although some are questionable on what they represent and how they represent it, they are all unique and extremely enjoyable to view.     Many paintings created in the Renaissance era still fascinate people to this day. As I wrote in a previous blog, some paintings trick the viewer into seeing something that isn't there or have the viewer see something from a different perspective. Paintings with Illusions ( The Ambassadors , Holbein), and paintings that use three-dimensional techniques, trick the viewer into thinking there is depth to a painting when in reality there is only elaborate shading, structuring, and execution. Evolving during the Renaissance, creating depth in paintings became a

Art Elements.

     A great piece (or pieces) of art I like was made for a project by Leyland Kirby called  Everywhere at the End of Time . The project was made by a few friends, including Leyland Kirby a musical artist, whose stage name is The Caretaker, and Ivan Seal, a painter and artist.  Everywhere at the End of Time  was made to show what it is like to suffer from dementia and Alzheimer's. The project consists of 6 hours of sampled songs ranging from the 1920s to the 1950s. The songs have no vocals and there is light static and vinyl crackle for the first half of the project with increasing white noise as the songs go on to signify the brain eating itself away. There are 6 stages throughout the project, each with its own unique art piece. The first is the most recognizable,  Memories That Last a Lifetime.         Beaten Frowns After , Ivan Seal.               The Album covers for each stage differ greatly, the biggest recurring theme between them all is that they become less and less recog